Sara Driscoll: That Others May Live

FBI K-9 #8

That Others May Live by Sara Driscoll is a little bit of a deviation from my usual cozies, as it is much more of a thriller mixed with a procedural, but still qualifies as an animal detective cozy. This is the eighth book in her FBI K-9 series, and it’s very emotional and engaging. The main protagonist Meg Jennings and her search-and-rescue K-9 dog, Hawk, are faced with the horrors of a collapsed twelve-story condo. Given that the collapse happened in downtown DC, there are plenty of law enforcement agencies on high alert, and plenty of fears and conjectures. However, that isn’t what Meg and her fiancée firefighter Todd are concentrating on. They are most concerned about any potential victims that could still be alive and waiting for rescue. While the outlook seems impossible and grim, for their own mental health and that of the rescue dogs they refuse to accept that there might not be anyone to save. read more