Anthony Horowitz: Close to Death

Hawthorne & Horowitz #5

Anthony Horowitz is simply a plotting genius, with a brain that must that must be constantly constructing puzzles, and fortunately for us, he’s nice enough to share a few.  His latest gem is an instalment in his very meta Hawthorne and Horowitz series, where Horowitz himself takes the almost Hastings-esque form of a writer who follows genius detective Hawthorne around, writing down his actions, thus creating the novel we hold in our hands.  As this outing begins Horowitz is working on a new book under a deadline, but unfortunately Hawthorne hasn’t caught anything interesting for a while.  Horowitz decides to revisit an old case, and as Hawthorne doles the story out to him in portions he writes, using case notes as his guide, creating personas for the people involved in the story. read more