Ellie Alexander: Killing Me Soufflé

Bakeshop #20

Killing Me Soufflé is the 20th addition to Ellie Alexander’s Bakeshop mysteries. Juliet, baker and owner of Tort bakery, is facing a lot of new changes in her life – being pregnant with twins, adjusting to decaf coffee, losing two of her valued employees and friends, Sterling and Stephanie, and hiring their replacements. While she regrets the loss of her friends in the shop, she knows that it is important for their own futures for them to take advantage of this new opportunity. Becoming head of the SeaBreeze Bistro at Whaleshead Resort could be Sterling and Stephanie’s big chance to make a name for themselves in the culinary world. However, what seemed like a fantastic opportunity with nothing but potential quickly turns into a nightmare. read more

Carlene O’Connor: Murder in an Irish Garden

Irish Village #11

In Carlene O’Connor’s latest Irish Village mystery, garda heroine Siobhan O’Sullivan is studying for her detective sergeant exam, which is causing her quite a bit of stress. She is looking forward to relaxing with the local gardening competition, as well as the opening of her brother’s restaurant. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that gardeners take their craft very seriously, especially those who feel confident enough in their skills to compete on the quality of their work. Kilbane County Cork, Ireland, has plenty of talented amateur gardeners keen to show off their skills and win. However, this year a former Kilbane resident and professional landscape designer Cassidy Ryan is returning home to try and claim the prize for herself. She’s also been hired by Siobhan’s brother, Eoin, to help spruce things up for the grand opening. read more

Emily George: A Cold Dose of Murder

Cannabis Café #3

Just a disclaimer for this review: this book is a part of the Cannabis Café mystery series by Emily George, and legalized cannabis and its uses are major theme in A Cold Dose of Murder. If you find that topic off-putting, please stop reading. Right now. Medical use is the primary motivation, but responsible recreational use is also portrayed. As the book cover, and many characters, emphasize: consume responsibly. This goes for reading about it, too. If you know legalized cannabis isn’t something you are comfortable with, do not read this review or the book. Not every book is for everyone. For those who do not mind or perhaps even enjoy seeing legalized cannabis normalized and represented, this is indeed a review and book for you. read more

Jean-Luc Bannalec: An Island of Suspects

Brittany Mystery #10

An Island of Suspects is Jean-Luc Bannalec’s tenth book in his Brittany mystery series. The main character is Commissaire George Dupin, who works along with his team of investigators to solve various mysteries throughout Breton. An Island of Suspects focuses on the island of Belle-Île, and the murder of a wealthy and well known sheep farmer Patric Provost. Mr. Provost was actively being blackmailed and the deadline for payment came just before the discovery of his body. Almost as soon as they start investigating it’s clear that the victim was not at all liked in his community. Even his own employees seem to outright hate him. Mr. Dupin is soon faced with the realization that he has an entire island of suspects. read more

Jenny Elder Moke: She Doesn’t Have a Clue

Series debut

She Doesn’t Have A Clue by Jenny Elder Moke is a mystery romance combo. Just a quick disclaimer: it has a bit more sexual content than what one might expect from a cozy. It was the description of the book that made me take a chance on this particular novel. Then I was hooked when the protagonist, Kate Valentine, recounts an incident in her past of hiding in some shrubbery to eat a massive piece of cake in peace without regret or shame – truly something an inspiration to introverted sugar addicts. Kate is a quirky introvert, who is also a bestselling mystery author. Her own main character is Loretta Starling, and Kate comes up with scenes using her own every day experiences and to figure out how to deal with situations using Loretta’s perspective instead of her own. read more

Angela M. Sanders: The Witch is Back

Witch Way Librarian #6

In Angela Sanders’ sixth addition to her Witch Way Librarian series, The Witch is Back, readers travel to Wilfred, Oregon, to join local librarian Josie Way, who also just so happens to have a literal bit of magic with books. Coming from a long line of witches, Josie is blessed with some truly powerful magic that manifests itself through books. They whisper to her, based on either what the magic feels she needs, or in response to questions she poses to them. But she has to be careful: even without things like witch trials going on, it isn’t safe to just flaunt her powers about the small town. So when she does use her abilities it is often secretly, and primarily to help others. Not even her boyfriend and local sheriff, Sam, knows of her secret. At this point she has also used her powers to help solve several mysteries and murders about her otherwise quiet and peaceful town. read more

Ginger Bolton: Blame the Beignets

Deputy Donut #9

Blame the Beignets is the ninth Deputy Doughnut cozy by Ginger Bolton, where heroine Emily Westhill runs the Deputy Doughnut Café in Fallingbrook, Wisconsin. The shop’s mascot is an adventurous tabby cat that the café is named after, Deputy Doughnut, although most of the time Emily just calls him Dep. One of her employees, Olivia, has gotten Emily to give her younger sister Hannah a shot at working in the café as she takes a break from college. Hannah seems to be fitting in just fine, until some new customers arrive: two gentlemen who know Hannah from college and who both seem rather interested in her personally. Olivia is less than thrilled. Emily doesn’t mind the two hanging out at the café assuming that it doesn’t disrupt Hannah’s work. read more

Elizabeth Penney: Madrigals and Mayhem

Cambridge Bookshop #4

In Madrigals and Mayhem, the fourth Cambridge Bookshop book by Elizabeth Penney, Molly Kimball is an American ex-pat who has made her home on Magpie Lane in Cambridge, England, with her Aunt Violet and her bookshop. Her mother also lives there and helps out at the bookshop as well. Molly has established herself with a bit of a reputation for solving mysteries in town. Friends and family are well aware that if they run into trouble, Molly will be more than willing to jump in to try and help prove their innocence. While the local authorities are not thrilled to have her poke around, they will not turn down a good lead or ignore any clues she offers to them. Madrigals and Mayhem focuses on Molly’s first English Christmas, and meeting her new neighbor and owner of a toy store, Charlotte Pemberly. read more

Sara Driscoll: Summit’s Edge

FBI K-9 #9

Sara Driscoll’s FBI K-9 novels follow Meg Jennings, and her FBI human scent evidence team partner, Hawk the black lab, as they work hard to save lives in the face of horrific situations. Summit’s Edge is her ninth book, and this time Meg is coming face to face with her very deep fear of heights. A private jet was hijacked, and went down in the mountains of the Elk Mountains in Colorado. Mountain climbing might be a deep personal torment for Meg herself, but she knows that Hawk is needed, and that he loves nothing more than being out in the field saving lives. So Meg faces her deepest fear and heads off to the mountains. read more

Maddie Day: Deadly Crush

Cece Barton #2

In Maddie Day’s second Cece Barton novel, Deadly Crush, her protagonist has moved to Alexander Valley in California and manages a local wine bar known as Vino Y Vida. With the exception of being integral in solving a murder in her previous adventure, Cece is adapting well to her new life. She is taking care to get security cameras and new wiring in the wine bar and has hired local electrician Karl Meier to do it, which turns into a disaster. He’s not only slow in his work, he’s abusive to his assistant who was also his nephew, and is just a genuinely unpleasant individual. Given that everyone who knows Carl seems to have the same impression, Cece makes the decision to never enlist his services again. read more