Korina Moss: Fondue or Die

Cheese Shop #5

It’s time once more for me to review the most recent addition to Korina Moss’s Cheese Shop mystery series, Fondue or Die. I know I’ve reviewed two of her books thus far, and I can honestly say I don’t intend to stop.  The characters draw readers in, as does the cozy town setting. And the cheese. The cheese gets a spot light which will please any cheesemonger. Willa Bauer is our protagonist, and runs her cheese shop Curds & Whey with a true dedication to her craft and a deep love of all things cheese. She would be perfectly happy focusing on selling cheese in her beloved town of Yarrow Glen in Sonoma Valley, but somehow she keeps ending up being pulled into murder investigations, each time in an attempt to clear either her own name, save her shop, or to clear the name of someone she loves. Often times she ends up whey over her head, and luckily she has many friends and her own Team Cheese to help her out.

The neighboring town of Lockwood is holding its annual Labor Day celebration known as Dairy Days. This is a huge event that involves all three districts of Sonoma Valley. Previously, Willa decided to brie safe with her new business and not get involved. But this year Willa Baur has her very own booth and is selling various graze boxes of Curds & Whey cheeses. Team Cheese are all present as well, her employees Archie and Mrs. Schultz, as well as her neighbor and friend Baz. Archie is helping her to run the booth and Mrs. Schultz and Baz are assisting with the Miss Dairy pageant. Willa has the cheddar of the two roles, as the pageant organizer Nadine is driving everyone nuts. Some see her attitude as a well-intended drive to see the pageant succeed, more seem to see it as overbearing and controlling. Even good-natured Willa finds Nadine’s personality more than a little abrasive and is happy to avoid her, at least until Nadine turns up dead under ceramic jugs and shelves.

Unfortunately, Willa once more feels obligated to investigate as it starts to sound like Mrs. Schultz might be the favored suspect. Unlike previous adventures, Detective Heath isn’t available to help her investigate. Lockwood’s own chief Womack is not very keen on entertaining her theories, no matter how well founded they are, and he’s also very clear that he does not want Willa or anyone else outside of his force snooping around the case. A new town, a new detective, and the same Willa. She won’t let chief Womack stop her sleuthing, although she will make it a bit more covert. Team Cheese is on the case and they are determined to not only clear Mrs. Schultz’ name but get justice for Nadine.

As with the previous four books, Korina Moss caters to cheese and mystery lovers alike with her cheese descriptions and colorful characters. Each member of Team Cheese brings their own unique perspective and skillset. From their most enthusiastic and youngest member, Archie, to their best aged and most dramatic, Mrs. Schultz, readers will find someone they can relate to or make their favorite. Willa herself is my favorite character given her rich personality, kindness, strong sense of justice, love of puns, and her determination. New readers cheddar beware, they will find themselves looking for the previous four books soon after finishing Fondue or Die.

It was interesting to see Willa outside of her home environment, as well as to see how she and Detective Heath interact when he isn’t her law enforcement ‘in’ , but there to help as a friend. Or more than a friend – at least there’s a lot of anticipation and hope for it to become a more than friends’ situation. Long-time Cheese Shop fans won’t be disappointed at all and should be eager to add Fondue or Die to their cheese collections. As always, Korina Moss left me wanting more. Not because the book came to a poor conclusion, far from it – Fondue or Die came to a very satisfactory end complete with a surprising twist. I was left wanting more in that I want the next book. However, given the quality of the stories thus far I am perfectly content to wait for Korina Moss to create another exciting and cheese filled adventure for Willa.                – Carla Schantz