Carlene O’Connor: Murder in an Irish Garden

Irish Village #11

In Carlene O’Connor’s latest Irish Village mystery, garda heroine Siobhan O’Sullivan is studying for her detective sergeant exam, which is causing her quite a bit of stress. She is looking forward to relaxing with the local gardening competition, as well as the opening of her brother’s restaurant. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that gardeners take their craft very seriously, especially those who feel confident enough in their skills to compete on the quality of their work. Kilbane County Cork, Ireland, has plenty of talented amateur gardeners keen to show off their skills and win. However, this year a former Kilbane resident and professional landscape designer Cassidy Ryan is returning home to try and claim the prize for herself. She’s also been hired by Siobhan’s brother, Eoin, to help spruce things up for the grand opening.

Cassidy is seen as an intruder in the gardener competition due to her professional status and lack of permanent residence in Kilbane. Her personality also leaves quite a bit to be desired. She is not only abrasive and demeans the local gardeners, but has a bit of a bad habit of flirting with any and all men who happen to catch her eye, and their relationship status does not dissuade her in any way. While everyone is hoping to kill it in the competition, it turns out that someone took that quite literally. The clear winner of the completion’s golden centerpiece is as deadly and disturbing as it is eye catching.

Siobhan and her husband, DS Macdara Fleming, team up to solve the mystery. One of the obstacles the detective duo must face is each other. Every relationship has its challenges and hardships, and that goes double when it involves two strong and determined personalities, especially with some stubbornness sprinkled in as well. Despite their personal struggles, they are able to work together. There’s also an amateur reporter in the mix who is ready not only to stir things up amongst the competitors but also tries to play her own hand at detective. Siobhan tries to keep the young reporter from getting too zealous and possibly riling the killer into targeting her.

Long time readers of Carlene O’Connor’s Irish Village Mystery series will enjoy this latest addition. Siobhan’s logical and methodical reasoning is something I have always enjoyed, as well as her dedication to family and good food. She seems able to read people and situations better than most and is always looking for more than just the surface evidence. First time readers will enjoy Murder in an Irish Garden, but there are several character developments and plot points that will be enjoyed more if readers have experienced some of the prior books in the series first, such as the huge pay off of Siobhan’s brother Eion finally reaching his long-term dream of opening the O’Sullivan Six restaurant. As this is a delightful series, it won’t be a hardship to get some background before reaching book eleven. And for those of us who are avid cozy mystery fans, reading more books is never a hardship.  — Carla Schantz