Alex Erickson: Death by Iced Coffee

Bookstore Café #11

Alex Erickson’s most recent addition to the Bookstore Café Mystery series is Death by Iced Coffee. The story opens with owner of local Death by Coffee shop and amateur ‘just can’t help herself’ sleuth Krissy Hancock taking part in a marathon – during a heat wave. Like any sane person, she is regretting her decision, but, as a woman of integrity, she is determined to keep her promise to her friend Rita and do her part. However, she is surprised to spot Rita’s boyfriend display some rather suspicious behavior before the race even starts. Krissy does not want to jump to any conclusions, but her internal radar is pinged and she intends to look into what he could possibly be up to – but not until after the heat wave marathon of pain. Which is thankfully, but tragically, cut short when Krissy stumbles through the brutal heat and across one of the other runners lying dead on the ground. Despite the mild heat stroke, she is able to take in enough of the scene to decide that this poor man wasn’t a victim of heat stroke but rather of murder.

Sadly, thanks to the unrelenting heat, and her determination to run in it, Krissy is suffering from some symptoms of heat stroke and isn’t exactly able to bring her investigative A-game. Neither her boyfriend, detective Paul Dalton, or personal antagonist, detective John Buchannan, are able to get her to convey any helpful information day of. But, despite her slow entrance to the game, as soon as she is back on her feet and able to stay there, Krissy is on the case. She does try to mostly stay focused on the investigation of Rita’s boyfriend. Krissy might find herself exasperated by Rita at times, but she is fond of her and wants to help keep her safe. She becomes more alarmed as the two investigations start to cross paths and thus make her even more determined to see her this through to the end.

Readers who are new the series will not have any issue following the story, and veteran readers will be delighted with this addition to the Bookstore Café series. Alex Erickson does a wonderful job of depicting Krissy’s protective instincts for her friend Rita, but also her self-awareness that she can be a bit too nosey and pushy for her own good. She is aware that her inability to let go can be to her detriment, but also that it has proven useful time and again. Both to herself and to the local police. Watching her struggle with her need to solve the mystery and her desire to not cause Paul any problems, as well as trying to expand her social circle, will keep readers engaged and turning pages quickly to get answers right along with the tenacious Krissy Hancock. This is the second book of Alex Erickson’s that I have reviewed, and I can happily say I enjoyed this one as well. I look forward to reading through the previous books, as well as what future adventures Krissy will face.                   — Carla Schantz


Carla Schantz is a Courthouse Clerk Supervisor and has a bachelor’s degree in English as well as a master’s in legal studies. Books have been a passion of hers since she was young, and she is a firm believer in the purse book so that she is never without a book at any time.